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Facing Yourself

Facing Yourself

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 260 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

A wise man taught that everything we see, whether good or bad, is really a reflection of ourselves. If it was not, we would simply not see it. This phenomenon is part of the kindness that the Creator has given to us. This is the way that He teaches us a lesson in life.

Most of us have difficulty hearing or finding out from others that we have a flaw, that we don’t recognize. In order for us to figure it out in a way that we would accept, the Creator sets up a confrontation with a person who exhibits the same flaw in some form. When we see it, we react by saying, “How terrible is that! I can’t believe it.” But then it dawns on us that we exhibit the same type of behavior, maybe in a different form.

The same is also true with positive things. We recognize a positive characteristic in others because we have it in ourselves. If we didn’t have any element of it we would not be able to recognize it. In other words, you are what you see and you see what you are. This is all about facing yourself. That’s what the world is. (more…)

The Power of Resolution

The Power of Resolution

Do you know that every day is a piece of a mosaic of your life? With every moment that passes you write a new page in your book of life. People ask, “How can I live a better life?”. The answer is quite simple. If you want your life to change, here is the source of it all; ideas plus inspiration.

Ideas can help you gather the unlimited treasures that the Creator made available to you. Each and every single individual has been given an unlimited amount of ideas.

Indeed, if you truly want your life to change and be different than it is today, you must draw the energy that lays dormant in your ideas and combine it with inspiration. The key question however, is whether or not you will? As it has often been said in life, you get what you need and what you deserve, but only if you truly search for it. If you really want it! Undeniably, the key is to be motivated enough to make the change. (more…)