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The Fundamental Principle of Association

The Fundamental Principle of Association

Have you ever heard the saying, “Bird of a feather stick together.”? Simply put the person you associate with. Indeed, associating with certain people will have a major effect on how your life turns out to be. One should never underestimate the power of influence. Being around people who are kind, thoughtful, and caring will certainly bring out the best in you. On the other hand, being around people who are negative, who use inappropriate language or are stingy, will certainly bring out the worst in you. So how do you know if you are around people who will help you grow and become successful.

Here are questions you need to ask yourself: (more…)

Making Negativity a Powerful Tool

Making Negativity a Powerful Tool

In today’s fast pace world, it is rather easy to become disillusioned. In olden days, life was much more stable and new developments were slow incoming. Today everything moves much faster. Hence, many people get caught up in the trials and tribulations of life and can get truly pessimistic or feel at adverse sense of goodness to life. To begin with, lets clearly state that “There can be no positive without negative”. So negativity is present and exists irrespective of our understanding of the world today. But negativity is not to be ignored. It is to be mastered. What is even more stimulating to know is that negativity can actually be a powerful source of life changes. Indeed, negativity when seen with a plan and enlighten eye, it can play a major role in the stage that turns your life around. It is the moment that you can convert the feeling of discuss of past failures into deep desire to succeed. It is that momentous occasion that you experience a feeling of revulsion. You literally resolve to take full responsibility for the missed opportunities or missed representations in your life. At that moment you need to study your mistakes and learn from them. If you are at the very bottom, there’s only one way to go; up. Simply put “In the face of adversity, change begins”. While success if the study progress toward your personal goals with the result to never give up irrespective of the challenges you face, failure is not trying at all. Basically success is doing failure is not. This success of your future will be based on one notion; resilience. Resilience requires insight, initiative, an element of creativity and a strong sense of morality. The fear of failure mixed with indecision doubt or worry can be devastating. A person must know that life and business are like the changing seasons, you cannot change the seasons but you can change yourself. Quick steps to take to limit negativity. (more…)

10 Ways to Master Communication

10 Ways to Master Communication

1.Get your thinking straight and get rid of any “muddled” thinking. If you have an idea that is not thought through, know that you are not prepared to communicate your idea with anyone, so you must first, organize your thoughts then proceed.

2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. People will appreciate your honesty.

3. Get to the point. Effective communicators don’t beat around the bush. Time is precious.

4. Be concise. Don’t waste words. The more words, the more the possibility to create confusion.

5. Be real. Let the real “you” come through. You will be more convincing and more comfortable with yourself. Speak with genuine integrity and let your heart share your emotions.

6. Speak in images; a picture is worth of 1,000 words. Words help people visualize concepts. Talking or sending messages is only half the process. A truly accomplished communicator must also know how to listen and receive messages.

7. After you speak it is “your” turn to listen so do it with thought and care. Listening like speaking and writing requires genuine interests and attention. Most of us retain 25% of what we hear. If you can increase your retention and comprehension you can increase your effectiveness. A sign on the wall of Linden Johnson’s senate office put it on down in earth way. “When you are talking you ain’t learning.”

8. If you use only your eyes to listen without your ears, you are missing on the message. Remember that the face is an eloquent communication medium. While the speaker is delivering the message the face is saying, “I’m serious or just kidding or even I’m hurt…” Pay close attention to the message.

9. Observe nonverbal signals when listening to people, like:
          a.      Tapping feet. When a statement is accompanied by foot tapping it’s a lack of confidence.
          b.      Rubbing fingers. If the thumb and 4th finger is rubbed together, the speaker is holding something back.
          c.      If the individual is rubbing one eye, it often means that the speaker is having trouble accepting something.
          d.      Staring and blinking usually means the topic at hand is under consideration.
          e.      Crooked smiles. Genuine smiles are symmetrical; they can be fake.
          f.       Eyes that avoid contact is a sign of low self-esteem or that the speaker is not being truthful.

10. Lastly, make things easy. Great listeners make it clear that they are interested in what the other person has to say.

The Fallacy of Dating and Breaking Up

The Fallacy of Dating and Breaking Up

Our world is changing such a cataclysmic pace that many non-regulated human rules are causing our society to rethink its values.

According to a popular census, there are 95.9 million people who are unmarried in the USA today. 47% are men while 53% are women. Part of the reason for these numbers is because many couples who 10-15 years ago would have stayed together “till death do us part” have mixed feelings about the reasons to stay in a relationship. (more…)

To Be Happy Do We Need Faith or Reason?

To Be Happy Do We Need Faith or Reason?

Since the creation of the world, man strive to find the ever elusive state of happiness. Why does everyone in the world want happiness in their lives? Where does the vision, the power, the dream, the energy and the will to be happy come from? Is it by reason or by simple faith?

It is an accepted fact that where intelligence stops faith begins. Human beings can see, feel, and understand and comprehend concepts and ideas which in turn shapes our intelligence and knowledge. This in turn makes up the reasons that we use to look or formulate our world of happiness. That is a well-known fact that what happens in the world happens to all of us. However, what we do about what happens is what creates a different outcome. Therefore, (more…)

Why Money is So Important

Why Money is So Important

Since the creation of the world, money is the means human beings use to acquire material stuff. Money is necessary because it gives us the ability to create the lifestyle that we want. Part of our purpose in life is to figure out ways to live uniquely. A successful lifestyle is an art, a study, a practice, and an awareness.

The world is made up of 4 elements, Fire, Dust, Water and Air. While fire rises up, dust, water and air goes down. The bible recounts the story of Moses who was shown a fiery coin to use to count the Israel lights. Although fire by its very nature has no form, the coin is clearly and obviously a well delineated object. The commentators explained that G-d Almighty, was teaching Moses a lesson of the value of money: Although money is a physical tangible component if life, (more…)