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A Man Walking

A Man Walking

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 434 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are times in our lives where challenges and obstacles seem to be overwhelming. Things we can’t understand or comprehend and not sure exactly where to go. A person can overcome these challenges by thinking about themselves and their position in the world.

Now, obviously, you have to admit that there has to be somewhere in this world or universe, the Creator that put all this together. That’s a premise you need to understand at first. Once you understand that, the vitality and indestructibility in the pure faith that there is a Creator, not in some kind of an abstract way, but One Who’s hidden somewhere in the heavenly spheres and regards this world not from a distance but with absolute conscientious efforts and in a very personal way. One who is the very life and existence of everybody, and it permeates one at all times in everything that they do.
