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Powerful Mirror

Powerful Mirror

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 453 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It is incredible, the power of a mirror. If you were to look at yourself intensely in a mirror, what would you see? Is It a sad face? A person who has been hurt and has struggled but not succeeded? Someone who cries and feels as though they have not gotten everything they wished? Or is it someone who feels desperate and cannot move forward?

If that’s what you see, then I invite you to go back in front of that mirror and look intently at yourself. Think of who you could be; what you’ve got, and everything that is within your power. Animals don’t have this opportunity to understand who they are and neither does vegetation or inanimate matters. We, human being, we can. It is all within our power.

What is the difference between a person who cannot see themselves as great as they are, and the one who believes that this is the end of it and that they can’t change? (more…)