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Suffer From Regret

Suffer From Regret

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 537 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you suffer from regret, it seems that the greatest preventable griefs are the ones that we cause ourselves. Regret on second-guessing over the choices that we make. An interesting concept, indeed.

A book was written where a writer says that “every decision is not only a choice for something, but a choice against something else”.

In other words, opportunity costs. Think about it, decisions have to be made in order for your life to grow, for things to happen, for things to choose. If you go shopping or you need to buy some things that you need, or the clothes that you’re going to wear, or the job you’re going to take, or a decision that you’re going to make… These are choices. They are expected of you. Now, making good choices objectively doesn’t mean you need to feel bad subjectively. Don’t look to make the perfect choice. Just a “good one”. (more…)