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Patience Breeds Hope

Patience Breeds Hope

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 541 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Patience is such an important attribute and a character trait that we have to work continuously to not only keep it alive but certainly, to be used to having patience in everything that we do in our life. Patience and hope are connected, however. You see, hope connects us to patience and patience breeds hope. Hope means that we have to keep our head pointed towards the sun while our feet are moving forward. Don’t always think that things will be easy, but always know that you can handle it. You have to be able to tap into something which is profound in the human spirit. That’s your spirit, that’s who you are, that’s what you’ve got. Your capacity to hope which allows you to work patiently towards a goal and that goal, believe it or not, we may never see it fully accomplished but that’s alright; working towards it means building something. (more…)