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Lucky Vs. Luckier

Lucky Vs. Luckier

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 542 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I have a story about life and where people end up in their journey.

There were two people who went exploring and they reached a swamp. Now, the first was a man of means, and so he called in for a helicopter and within a short period of time, he was on the other side; the crease on the pants of his Safari suit were intact. He even took some photographs while he was flying over. He was a man with an avid interest in the sciences, and he made a modest but significant contribution to the field of swamp study.

The second person, however, struggled on cross and foot. He got stuck, he got lost. It was so difficult. He went through the journey and he had to fend off poisonous snakes, other creatures, and all types of difficult challenges. 20 years later, he emerged. He was tired. He was marked by life, and he had a pronounced limp and the smell of the swamp in his skin. However, he went on to write two national best sellers, called Surviving in the Swamp Environment and the other, The Unknown Treasures of the Swamp. He even directed both of the movie adaptations, became the world’s foremost consultant for environmentalist groups and also assisted in rebuilding companies. Quite interesting, isn’t it? (more…)