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Make the First Move

Make the First Move

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 548 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I spoke to someone today who was in a dispute, an argument with a loved one and they were adamant that they were not going to make up. Why is that? At times, we get into an argument or some kind of disagreement with someone that we love and we are adamant that we are not going to make the first move. That doesn’t make sense at all. Life is short and after all, if you look at the issue that caused this disagreement, it’s probably and mostly irrelevant. Why not make the first move? Pick up the phone, text, send an email, or go visit them and forget about the situation. If you’re sorry, tell them that, and even if you’re not, tell them you love them and forget about the disagreement. You’ll know for a fact that in a short period of time, you will forget all those things and they won’t even matter; and if that person with whom you are in a disagreement right now was in the hospital, what would you do? What would you say? What would you think? You would be terrified, horrified, perhaps even crying, so why wait until that situation happens? (more…)