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Trust Breeds Optimism

Trust Breeds Optimism

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 550 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Professor Einstein was asked once what he felt about the most important question that a human being needed to answer. His reply was, “Is the universe friendly or not?” Isn’t that interesting?

Now, if you think about that, such an intelligent man who has done so much in the discovery of science in our world, he only wanted to know, “was the universe friendly or not?”

There is a strong relationship between self, trust, a friendly universe, and happiness – who you are. You see, people who believe the universe is friendly, tend to be optimistic, joyful, happy, and also tend to trust themselves more. They know that if they go wrong, and they see it as an obstacle, it’s a step back for them but it goes beyond their control and they know that, and therefore, they say “it’ll work out.” They’re not stuck in a victim mentality saying, “Poor me, what can I do? How will I overcome that?” (more…)