Dr. Dahan Live Show Mon-Thu 10:00 - 11:00 AM (PST) Call 888-67-DAHAN
Ignorance of Humanity

Ignorance of Humanity

If you are searching for the truth in the world, you have to make sure that you look at everything that exists and understand it. You see, the human brain is finite but essential to the search for the truth is, as it says, ignorance of humanity which is very profound. Even looking at one leaf, just a simple leaf and knowing that it takes sunlight, converts it into glucose, including the process of photosynthesis which contains billions of components to make sure that it works in the way that it’s supposed to, and what it takes for a tree to become the tree that it is, one is in the presence of mystery wherever they are and a created being cannot and will never comprehend the wisdom of the Creator. Not surprising enough because if they did, they would become the Creator, so it’s impossible for us to understand everything. (more…)