Dr. Dahan Live Show Mon-Thu 10:00 - 11:00 AM (PST) Call 888-67-DAHAN
Promote With Love

Promote With Love

There are times when you feel the need to admonish someone, perhaps it’s someone whom you care about and the admonishing is necessary. Now, if you have to do that and if admonishing is necessary, you have to be careful about rebuking someone or even censoring them.

You see, it’s easy to catch a person when they’re doing something which is not right. The secret, however, of life and a good education, if you’re trying to have a relevance or a type of resounding effort on someone else and you want to influence them, then it’s better to catch them when they’re doing something right rather than when they’re doing something wrong. It’s at that time that you can speak to them about letting them know what’s going on. By catching someone when they’re doing something right and elevating them, lifting them, you yourself rise and there’s goodness that come from there. (more…)