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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 31 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

A wise man once said, “For every question there’s an answer. For every answer, there’s yet another question.”

As we journey through our life we should remember that every time we internalize a higher form of energy, and we also realize another still higher form which often eludes us, it is, the ladder that we climb, in our own days, in our own life.

There is a story told of a child who was playing on a ladder with other children. It seemed that all the children climbed halfway to the top… But, one of the boys climbed all the way to the top. Later when he was asked the question, “Why is it that you were able to climb to the top when all your friends gave up?”

The boy answered, “Here is the difference. I never looked down – I just kept looking up, and when I saw how low I was, it motivated me to climb even higher.”

This is a question of setting goals. Realize the difference between human beings and animals. Typically, animals walk on all fours and never look up to heaven. Humans, however, always walk upright, and that means that their heads are up and they do look up to the heavens. The fact that we can look up motivates us to continuously grow and climb higher and higher in order to transcend our state of human beings and become the ultimate human person. You can do it! (more…)