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Concerned or Worried

Concerned or Worried

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 54 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What is the difference between being concerned or worried?

Concerned means that you truly care about something and you have either an opinion, an idea, or a thought that might influence what you’re doing or what is happening. Worried means that you have a lack of faith or a lack of trust in the Creator, as much as the possibility of failure within yourself of something that might not be able to be accomplished; so, you worry.

If you think about those two terms, being concerned or worried, which one truly should you use at any given time when situations arise? Concerned means that you care but at the same time you know something needs to be done about it. Worried means you’ll also do something about it but you don’t think it’s going to be positive. You don’t think it’s going to come out okay. You have a feeling that things are (more…)