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Why Two Eyes?

Why Two Eyes?

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 93 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever wondered why the Creator of the world gave us one mouth, one nose, one face, but two eyes? Reasons for two eyes have been suggested, that one eye is to look at yourself and see who you are and what you do, and whether what you are preaching is actually what you do. The second eye is to look at others and compare yourself. Compare it to what they do which is so much better than you. That it gives you an opportunity to rise above yourself and do things even better.

At no point in time is the comparison so that you show who you are compared to them, higher or greater. No, to the contrary, to the best of your abilities you have to use your one eye to look at yourself and see what else can be done to improve in your life. By improving your own self, your abilities, your skills, your thoughts, your word, your deeds, everything about you, you actually help not only yourself but the world around you. People will see that. They will learn from you. You’ll become a living example, and that in itself is a blessing. What’s even more, is that as you become better in working on yourself. (more…)