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Wake Up New

Wake Up New

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 120 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Every single night when a person goes to sleep, they think the reason is so that their body can rest. The truth is, there’s so much more to the reason why sleeping was made part of our life.

The way the world was created was so that each and every moment of life can be used in the most appropriate and productive way possible. So, what would be the purpose of the night? A sleeping person does not do much; they’re lying there, quiet, often not even moving. The only thing they are doing, it seems, is breathing. But, what happens during that time is the soul, we are told, goes back up to Heaven and replenishes its energy. It draws from the tremendous Infinite Light that the Creator has to share and it gives it hope, understanding, belief, and a tremendous amount of rejuvenated ambition. This invigorated strength allows the soul to come back down the next day and do so much more than it did the day before. (more…)