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Magical Remedies

Magical Remedies

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 135 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It was written that when you see the stars, each one moves along its own prescribed path with precision impossible to attain in any mechanism constructed by man.

When you see a seed grow and turn into a tree, or a baby develop into a self-directed human individuality, can you believe or even say that this is the result of a haphazard happening? That would seem so ludicrous. Such belief is beyond comprehension that it doesn’t make any sense.

Once, a 16th century physician said, “We human beings are walking drugstores. In the human being there is a present, invisible physician who produces, prescribes, dispenses, and administers suitable remedies as occasions commence. Had He not created these internal remedies, notwithstanding all the experts of all our physicians, not a single creature of the earth would remain alive.” (more…)