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Little Fish

Little Fish

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 137 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I once heard a story about the Chinese, who have a tale about a little fish. The story goes like this:

There was once a little fish who overheard one fisherman say to another, “Have you ever stopped to think how essential water is to life? Why, without water our earth would dry up, and everything in it would die. All the living things would stop to exist.”

Now the little fish, who heard this, became panic stricken. He said, “Why, if this is the truth, and this comes from men who have higher understanding… I must find water immediately! If not, I could also die!”

The little fish in dread of what would happen frantically started swimming around everywhere and asking everyone around him where he could find this water that was so precious to life. No one had ever heard the word before, or no one had ever asked that question. (more…)