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4 Worlds

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 275 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Our universe is made up of four separate worlds. Although they are united, they are different from one another. The first one is the world of inanimate. It is by far the greatest in quantity. As the world was created, the world of the inanimate was first developed. It includes, but is not limited to, the earth that makes up the valleys and the rivers, the sand that covers the miles of beaches, and the stones that form the mountains.

The world of inanimate doesn’t have a vocal voice, like human beings do. But, at times of an earthquake, or during a violent whirlwind, it is very clear that the world of inanimate does have a way to express itself.

Then there’s the world of vegetation. This category includes all the plants, flora, and the vegetation which is found throughout the world, even at the depths of the ocean. The enormous and ageless trees that we have found in the tropical forests, and the incredible variety of colors assigned to each plant, is a true testimony to the Creator and the Master of the Universe.

Then there’s the world of animals – from the smallest parasite to the world’s heaviest, largest mammals. The world of animals is comprised of millions and millions of varieties. They play such a vital role in maintaining our universe.

And then there’s us – humans. Humans represent the ultimate creation of the world. It is said that man was created and put in this world to create an environment where the nations can grow and flourish. The job of man is an ever-increasing challenge and it is to maintain the dignity while interacting with each human being. Now, of this category, it could never change position. We as human beings must “stay” human beings.

We cannot ever degrade ourselves to become less than human beings. We are not created to be anything other than human beings.

Let’s act properly and help the worlds in which each of us were created. Let’s keep our forests beautiful, and save the animals from being killed.

Let’s teach the humans in this world to act truly as good people. People who care, people who love, and people who want to share.

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