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A New Month

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 226 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It says in the scriptures that with each new month comes with new energy, new powers, and new blessings to the world. Something which has never existed before, a light that has never been seen, prior to that month.

Every month we have a new beginning. On that day, you need to accept those blessings. I would like to share with you some blessings for this month, that you may always be blessed, and with all good things.

May your joy be like the stars at night — too numerous to count.

May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of the sand, on all the beaches around the world.

May your lack or struggles, only serve you to become stronger, better.

May beauty, order, and abundance be your constant companions.

I wish you to have a good month, and that every single month the blessings multiply themselves. Let every pathway that you choose lead to that which is pure, and good, and lovely. You deserve a good month, and you deserve the blessings.

Now you may say, “Why would you do that? Why would you say that?”

By blessing each other, by helping one another, we make this world a better place to be, and we show to each other that we care — that we love. That’s what human beings are supposed to do, spread goodness throughout the world, and continuously and endlessly extend it to one another.

May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep, abounding trust that the Creator, G-d Almighty Himself, is with you, in everything that you do; respective of your age, your gender, your ethnicity, or religion, or country of origin. Whoever you are and wherever you may be, may you be blessed with good things for this month to come, and every single month from now on. I hope so for you, and for all your friends and family members. Have a great month.

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