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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 193 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever admonished someone?

Do you even know the definition of the word admonish?

To caution, to advise, or to counsel someone against something. But this is often to reprove or scold and is usually ill mannered.

You might say admonishing is good because it can help the other person change themselves. I believe there are two ways to help another person.

One is to make them see the bad in themselves. To point out all the differences and all the problems and all the issues that they have. In this way, all the admonishing hopefully would help them see things better.

There is a better way however.  Not admonishing, but loving.

By loving someone and showing how good they are, and make them see themselves better than they are, and make them believe in themselves more than they do at that time then the admonishing would not be necessary. They themselves would want to change just from listening to you praising them.

I know what you’re thinking… How can you praise someone or even help someone if you do not tell them what is not right? Very simple! With love, compassion, kindness, and tremendous amount of patience you can help someone see themselves greater than they are and help them overcome the challenges they see in their life. Remember the reason they do what they do at times, it’s only because they lost direction; but their destination is always good.

Don’t admonish someone else. Help them by loving them and I can guarantee that you will get a lot more done.

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