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Be Yourself

Be Yourself

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 168 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Haven’t you always been told, “be yourself.” Sometimes you wonder what that means. I may have a suggestion.

Being yourself means being truthful. Don’t say anything unless you know it is true in your heart. Always be alert. Know that a minute is way too precious to waste and time must be used properly.

Be diligent. Decide what needs to be done and do it with enthusiasm and joy.

Be respectful and honor every person you meet and although this person may or may not be a friend of yours, they are also human beings, so honor them and respect them. Being yourself means having a peace of mind.

Be calm and be composed and let it show in everything that you do. (more…)

Why Me

Why Me

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 167 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

You may ask yourself under certain circumstances, “why me?”

“Why do I struggle?”

“Why do I have to look like this?”

“Why do I have to be this way?”

“Why do these things happen to me?”

“Why are things so difficult and so challenging?”

“Why am I never able to do something?”

“Why, at times, do I fail?”

“Why? And why me?” (more…)

Be There

Be There

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 166 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In this world, there is nothing greater than being able to appreciate someone that you’re with. There is nothing greater in this world to appreciate than such as nature, scenery, and everything else that you do. How would you do that? Wherever you are, be there. Whatever you do, be there. If you are at a show with friends or just alone be there at all times— not just part of you, all of you.

By being there you will not miss anything in this life. You will be able to overcome any challenge. You will be able to understand and construct in your mind a plan for everything that you have to do. You will be able to succeed. You will be able to rise. You will be able to overcome. Nothing will stand in your way. You will see clearly, not just past the future, but also past your experiences. You will see and understand what you need to know and what you need to do. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 165 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Sometimes, you may feel things piling up in your life, in your mind, and around you, and it becomes simply overwhelming. An overwhelming amount of information, duties, and tasks that you have to go through and you are not too sure if you are capable of accomplishing them.

When things seem to be overwhelming, why not take a minute and think about what your life is all about. You have been given a mission, and this mission is doable. Otherwise, if the Maker of this world were to give you something which was impossible, what would be the purpose? What would be the intent?

It is not a game; life is serious; life is good; life is truthful. More than anything else life is a series of accomplishments; actions which we can pile one upon another to get them all done. When you feel the sense of being overwhelmed, and things are above and beyond what you think you can accomplish, sit down, relax, look at the issues and analyze them.

Break it down in this very simple format: (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 164 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Distress or uneasiness of the mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune is the definition of anxiety. Why would you be anxious?

Within every love there is fear. Anxiety is the fear that you could lose that love. It could also come from the fact that there is a fear of not getting what you wish or what you want. Is anxiety truly necessary?

What purpose does it serve?

Think about it, if you are in charge of your world then you have within yourself the power, energy, and the capacity to change everything around you. If only you put your will to it. Will compared to anxiety is very powerful. Anxiety may cause you to feel at times exhausted or even become despondent. (more…)