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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 128 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever thought of the word ‘inclusivity’?

Inclusivity means encompassing— bringing everything and everybody into account. It’s comprehensive, it’s enclosing, embracing, and it’s all the things that we have to do to make this world a better place to be.

We have the opportunity to change that at any time, in your world – and in mine. Inclusivity means that you can accept everyone the way they are and accept them for what they are. (more…)

Humble Willow

Humble Willow

Humble Willow - Daily PodcastDaily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 127 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever thought of a willow?

A willow is a tree – or sometimes referred to as a shrub. It is characterized by narrow, nice shaped leaves and some of them are very small flowers. They are pliable and the branches often are used for wicker work.

The willow is humble, it bends whenever it needs to. It accommodates whenever it has to. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 126 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

The world as we see it is not a reality. It’s a miracle.

When a philosopher sees a miracle, he looks for a natural explanation; trying to figure it out and trying to understand it. But when a wise person sees nature, they look for the miracle. That in itself is a true miracle.

We have the ability, as human beings, to transform our world. We can make it so that it is happy and always giving and always transcending. One can look always at the bright side – at the good side. We can look always at the part which is positive. (more…)

Genuine Happiness

Genuine Happiness

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 125 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever thought about the definition of happiness?

Happiness is a magic word and everyone is in search of it – but so few find it.

Why? Is it because you think that you are looking for happiness in a false direction?

According to one famous French writer who said: Even the man who is going out looking to hang himself is looking for happiness. Only, he is searching for it in a false direction.

I’d like to relate with you a story about an Emperor who had everything that his heart desired. But despite all his possessions, he fell into deep sadness. (more…)

Happy Man

Happy Man

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 124 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What is a happy man?

It is to wake up every morning with a brightening smile on your face, and to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities that it will bring.

To thank the Creator for the wonderful day that you’re given ahead and the abilities and opportunities that you will meet.

To go and work with a good and sane mind, with integrity and honesty. (more…)