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Words That Matter

Words That Matter

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 948 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Every day we encounter people with whom we exchange ideas, concepts and sometimes we help them, sometimes we help ourselves with different things that we speak about. When speaking with others, you must be very careful and take into account how they will interpret our words, ensuring that our intentions are not to be misinterpreted. You have to say words that matter so that the words as it says that “words that come from the heart, penetrate the other person’s heart”. You have to speak carefully using words which are appropriate and uplifting, inspiring, often motivating. By speaking to someone else you not only create an energy about what you’re saying, but you’re also taking that person from one level in their life to another. You’re affecting them with what you’re saying, and you also affecting the environment where they are standing at this time. You have to pay close attention to that. Words are very powerful. Words can either make up a person and really take them to the highest lifestyle that they can live with, or the opposite. Think about what you’re doing. Think about what you’re saying. (more…)

Each Passing Day

Each Passing Day

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 947 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Each passing day brings within itself a certain amount of energy. At the same time there are fears and choice. We’re not too sure where the darkness comes from sometimes, or the storms of life feel as though they are closing in. There’s a light that we cannot see and instead of illuminating our world, we feel lost. You know that part of your being that says: “I can’t do it”, “I can’t overcome it”, “I’m scared”, or “I am way too deep into this, what should I do?” We’re tempted to give up. We feel as though the ocean has overwhelmed us and we are sinking deep into its abyss. We can’t get out. We don’t see, beauty, order, abundance. We see problems, we see challenges, we see nothing more than crying over things that we cannot do. And we are missing, we’re not happy. (more…)

The Heart & Brain

The Heart & Brain

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 946 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I would like to speak with you today about two fascinating organs in our body: the heart and the brain. They both have an influence on the body. Interestingly enough they’re both required for a healthy body and the body cannot live without either one of them.

The heart is always pumping. It doesn’t stop ever. It is excited and it is in a perpetual state of excitement, and when person gets excited, the heart races even more. It is associated, interestingly enough, with emotions. Yet, it is the softest part of the body; It doesn’t even have a bone. It is a powerful muscle, but it pumps continuously. The blood itself makes it so that as it pumps continuously, the heart becomes the weakest part of the body because of that work that it has to exert. These two organs are very different and they are the fundamental difference in the relationship within the body the brain itself is calm, it has very cold concept to itself. (more…)

Not Just You

Not Just You

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 945 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Today, I would like to share with you a concept which is monumental. You see when you do not fulfill your mission in this world, it’s not just a personal loss, it’s a global one. The whole world misses out. It’s not just you! The whole world, everyone in this world, and everything; meaning the inanimate, the vegetation, the animal kingdom and even the human species; all creations in the world don’t benefit, because you didn’t fulfill your mission. Now you might ask, what is my mission? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do ?

First, you have to refine the environment to where you are by bringing light to the world, being kind, sharing, helping…

Second, everything that you do, should have a purpose and a reason. It should be done with integrity and honesty. (more…)

Breaking Out of the Box

Breaking Out of the Box

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 944 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I you want to make changes in your life and dramatic changes, things that as they say thinking “out of the box”, in this concept is “breaking out-of-the-box”, how do you get out from under? From where you are?

There are four things which I think you need to pay close attention to.

One concept, is the concept of pessimism. This is a disease that takes your vision and changes it, and it cannot be corrected with just putting on new glasses. Pessimism is something which you have inside of you and eats you alive. Pessimism, will destroy everything about you. It will destroy, what you see, what you think, what you want, what you can dream of.

The second concept is indecision. It’s a mental paralysis, something that stops you, something that holds you back from wanting to grow and going where you wish to go. (more…)