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Chance of a Lifetime

Chance of a Lifetime

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 943 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I would like to share with you a thought about a concept of a chance of a lifetime. You see, it is a good thing to be thankful for what you have in life and what you have accomplished. But open your eyes to the larger picture.

If we are to appreciate the fruits of life we must first appreciate the tree that bears the fruit; this is the birth itself.

Birth is the beginning of a person or anything for that matter. A birthday is very special, because it is window to the chance of a lifetime. The chance to fulfill your unique mission. So, a birthday is a momentous occasion, and it is to be commemorated just as the nation commemorates its birth or as an nonprofit organization that celebrates its founding. However it is much more than an occasion to receive gifts. It is a chance to remember, that the day that a major event occurred, and to celebrate and give thanks and to reflect upon how well we are fulfilling our calling; and it doesn’t have to be just on your birthday. As a matter fact, it could just be today. (more…)

Dramatic Changes

Dramatic Changes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 942 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I would like to discuss with you something that can help you make a dramatic change in your life. There are three concepts.

The first is about complaining. By complaining, you should know that anyone who hangs around with you, about you, or around you, don’t enjoy listening to someone who’s complaining. Complaining is really a waste of time, if you think about it. People who complain will always find new things for which they might complain about, and it doesn’t end. So complaining is something you should stop if you want to make dramatic changes in your life. (more…)

Reliving the Past

Reliving the Past

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 941 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you want to live a good life, a unique life, you have to be able to create your own path and let other people enjoy it when you’re gone or even while you’re still here. Reliving the past is the concept of the value of stories. So many of our parents, our siblings, our friends, and even our acquaintances often relive their stories and tell us about their experiences. Whatever the span of your life is, in order for it to be real, to be the best, you want to fill it up with all kinds of good experiences and the intensities that you felt when you were there. By reliving the past, you’re able to bring back stories of things that have affected other people and can now affect not only just your life but others’. (more…)

Looking Down At People

Looking Down At People

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 940 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

The mission that we have in this world, is to be a positive influence and an inspiration to others and this will help everyone around us. Now, as we go along the way in our life, there are typically three types of different people that we encounter that may present a challenge in the success of our work. One type is a person who’s deeply entrenched in the passions of this world. They’re so involved in his or her lifestyle, that it seems impossible to break through; to even begin a conversation that would be taken seriously about any positive change. What is there to say to such a person?

There’s a second person who is devoid of basic values. For instance, speaking about hard work to someone who has an attitude of being entitled to receive perhaps benefits for free and therefore, they have absolutely no interest or desire to work. This person may say, “Why should I work if I can make more receiving unemployment or disability?” Now, I ask you, how far can you get convincing this person, that indeed, it’s a much greater value to work for your livelihood? Obviously, he or she is oblivious to any of your concerns and so too in any other ethical values. He just doesn’t accept these premises. What can you say? (more…)

Foolish Anger

Foolish Anger

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 938 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I know that many of you are concerned at times, about things that have happened to you or things that are happening in your life. You are angry about some of the harm that’s being done to you, either at a professional level or a conceptual level. But it is foolish and unproductive to be angry with those who appear to be harming you. You see, although these people maybe indeed guilty for their actions, they cannot do anything that G-d, the Creator of the world, does not will. So what this means is that, everything that happens to you has a reason, has a source, so it is foolish to be angry. It is wasted energy. It doesn’t mean you don’t fight or defend yourself, that you have to do- you have to correct the situation; but to be angry, no, that is unnecessary. That is not what this is all about. (more…)