Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 937 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are many species of animals that were created in the world quite interestingly enough, such a varied amount that is beyond imagination. I don’t even believe that until today, we know every single species of animal that exist in the world. There are animals actually that were created with protection around themselves and they live in different parts of the world. If they want to eat something or they want to go for a stroll, they are free to do so and they are continuously protected.
There is yet another animal, another creature and that’s the eagle. It’s a different animal. It’s actually a big bird. Now, this bird can soar above and beyond the clouds. It’s part of the hawk family and it’s strong, it is big, powerful, and it can fly beyond notices. Not only that, it has an extremely accurate vision. And the sky is its limits. It could do whatever it wants yet it chooses to build its house in the highest mountains that exists even though on those mountains, there could be storms and dangers. This is where it chooses to build its home, and for food, it can travel for miles and miles. It has no fear. It is quite interesting. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 936 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are many things that we carry in our lives. Some things are physical, some things are spiritual, and others are psychological, whether in our mind or in our pockets.
What happens in the world, happens to anyone. It’s not specific just to you. Most of us go through life experiencing ups and downs. However, the parts that are major in your life, the parts of your future, are literally things that you can change at any time. They are in your hands. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 935 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There’s a story told about a musician who came to a city and went to the city’s center square. Once there, he started playing his instrument. It was such a beautiful melody, such a beautiful music. It was so enchanting that the people who gathered around to listen were mesmerized. So much so, that they became enthralled into that music and they started dancing.
Now, a while later, a man who was walking by couldn’t understand what was going on and why these people were dancing in the middle of the city square. He couldn’t fathom in his mind what was going on. You see, the reason was that the man was deaf and therefore, he couldn’t hear. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 934 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I have a suggestion for you and that is to understand and believe the power of resolution.
Now, what does resolution mean? You could say that it is something that you decide from now on will happen.
Here is a simple explanation perhaps that you might accept: that is, that resolution means “to promise yourself that you will never give up”. Once you understand this concept, you need to resolve at all times about the things that are important to you. The values that you hold dear, the things that you want to become, places you want to see, things you want to say, deeds you would like to accomplish. Wherever you may be, the power of resolution is taking the opportunity to resolve and promise yourself that you will be the best at everything that you do, and that you will get these things done. Never changing your values, never, under any circumstances, letting obstacles or challenges affront what do you have. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 933 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
When the first pilgrims came to this land from many parts of the world, and they arrived there, it was in most places, described as a desert. Now, a desert has two features. One, is no one can live there; and second, nothing can grow there. There is nothing positive there because of the type of living that it requires. Yet the pilgrims knew it and they decided to change this. Wherever they settled, they converted that part of the desert and made them into cities, households and population where even plants started growing, and they converted the physical desert into physical cities, a place where they could live with their families.
Now, the same lesson should be applied to when we travel. When you go places and you travel, and you’re away from home, even if it’s only for a day, you may feel as though you’re really traveling and it’s not that important to pay attention to what you do. You might say to yourself, I’m neither here nor there, why should I pay attention to what I do or how I act? I’m on the road, just leave me alone. Why should we bother? It’s just for a day or two. It’s a temporary place, it’s not permanent. (more…)