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Painful Moments

Painful Moments

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 927 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Are you currently experiencing pain? Are you perhaps facing a challenge or an obstacle that seems to be, at least today, in your eyes, overwhelming? Are you in front of a situation that you just don’t know how to resolve?

You see, when we are in such a situation, our vision is limited. We can’t see past the pain and the suffering. There doesn’t appear to be a reason for the pain. We’re caught in such a narrow passage that, we’re trapped in the moments of pain. However, we can broaden our vision and understand that there is a bigger picture. (more…)

Perfectly Equal

Perfectly Equal

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 926 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Contrary to what people say, be it politicians or activists in this world, everybody is perfectly equal. Every single creation in this world was created for a specific purpose, and each of the creations have a unique opportunity to change the world. When you look at people, everybody, irrespective of their creed, religion, ethnicity, location, age, gender, everybody is perfectly equal. Everyone deserves to live a happy good life; everyone.

It is crucial, literally critical, that everyone has to be helped to try to reach their highest potential and it is our job. It may be a scholarly person, it could be a solitary individual, an uneducated person, whoever it is. You have to consider every single person, being perfectly equal despite their glaring deficiencies, physical or even psychological weaknesses, whether external or superficial. Each and every creation is perfect and they’re equal. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 925 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What do all creatures in our world have in common? Which part of existence is so essential that the world can’t live without?

If we remove, for instance, the color blue from the world, what would happen? What is the one thing that the world has to have in order to exist? Let make a suggestion.

The one thing that all creation has in common is limitation.

Every creation has its own personal limitation and boundaries beginning somewhere and ending somewhere else; starting at one time and ending at another. (more…)

4 Approaches to Life

4 Approaches to Life

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 924 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There was once a pianist who played very well and met a very famous pianist, and he asked him, “How are we so different? We both play very well but you are very famous and I am not.”

The famous pianist answered, “The difference between us playing, is the pauses, the silence, the space in between the notes. You have to know how to handle those.”

Sometimes, you meet people who have gone through life and are able to handle circumstances which seem to be so insurmountable.

What is the difference between someone who can overcome a challenge and one who can’t?

There are basically four approaches to life. (more…)

Mosaic of Life

Mosaic of Life

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 923 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I was once traveling to a third world country. There, I watched an artisan using mosaic on a beautiful piece of art and each piece was placed so carefully.

Every single day in our lives, every single moment of our life, represents the mosaic of our lives. Every piece represents a moment.

You have to be very careful on how you spend that moment. That little piece can make a difference, just like with this artist. He was a poor artisan, and had literally no tool other than a small piece of metal  which he would carve around the sculpture to place these small pieces of mosaic.

Why not spend each and every day, a moment, and analyze your day? Did you, at all times do the best that you could? Did you help someone else? Did you make “your” world a better place than it was when you found it? Was there a purpose to your day? Did you accomplish more or less than you were supposed to? (more…)