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Bad Vs Wicked

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 157 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There’s a saying that says you have to distance yourself from a bad neighbor and you should not cling to a wicked person. On the surface, it appears that somehow, it’s redundant; stay away from bad people. In truth, however, there’s a much deeper lesson in these words. In fact, a close examination of these words yields an altogether different sentiment.

What is the difference between a “bad neighbor” and a “wicked person” and why must one go so far as to distance oneself from the former while concerning the latter? It is enough to avoid just clinging to him?

A bad neighbor means just that. It’s not a bad person, but one whose proximity to yourself is detrimental to you. It may be that, that person is a righteous person, a good person, a sweet person, a kind person, and that his path in life is, for him, most suitable and desirable, but it is, for you, totally different, and it is wrong and destructive. For you, that’s not what you need so you have to keep your distance.

On the other hand, a wicked person is not necessarily a bad neighbor, if he’s not in the position to influence you. From him, you must not distance yourself. Indeed, on the contrary, you have to befriend him. You have to draw close to him and help him improve himself, all the while taking care not to cling to him and emulate his ways. In other words, the evil in another is never the cause of your rejection of him, only your sensibility and susceptibility to what is evil for you. On the contrary, the wickedness of your fellow, it is all the more reason to become involved with him, and prevail upon him to cling to the positive in yourself.

That’s what life is all about. Sharing your positive experiences and your depth of knowledge of good.

Now you may say, “How do I know if I am that person?”

You’ll know because at any given time, you’ll be able to influence others, and if you see that you are a person of influence, if you see that you have that talent, that ability, then do it.

Sometime ago when I started these lessons, I had no idea that it would reach that many people throughout the world; no idea. I wasn’t even intending, actually, on reaching thousands and thousands of listeners but I knew one thing: that words that came from the heart would enter someone else’s heart. So I started these podcasts and I have not stopped since then. If you have a talent, if you have a gift, if you have knowledge, if you have something to share, give it. The world expects at all times to learn and grow from you because of the abilities you’ve been given. It’s a gift; share it with the world. Otherwise, it’s just wasted.

Think of it like a book with tremendous knowledge that just sits on a table and nobody ever picks it up. What a shame, what a waste. But if that book could go from place to place and person to person and be read by so many others, wouldn’t that book now be of great value to the whole world? So it is with your gifts, your knowledge, your understanding, and all the things you have. Use them in good health and share it with others. The world deserves it and so do you.

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