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Be Accountable

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 203 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I’m sure you recall often when your parents or teachers, or people who raised you, often said to you, “You have to be responsible. Be a responsible person. Responsible for your actions and responsible for everything around you.”

The truth is, that may be a misnomer. Responsible is important, of course, but here is what’s more important, being accountable. Responsible is good because you become an adult. Accountable means that you realize what you’re doing and you’re doing it because there is going to be in your life, and in the rest of the world, some accountability as to what you’ve done to this world. Now, the reason why you want to be accountable for what you’ve done, it’s because you are capable of doing it all.

No one—this is a fact—no one was ever born in this earth without all the tools they need all the time to accomplish their full mission on Earth, no one. Knowing that, you can do whatever you want. You can get rid of all the ambiguities and once you analyze our situation you can truly celebrate an unprecedented success. Now, you may need to awaken a passion. You may need to set some goals but this will brighten up your future and even maximize all your capabilities. If you don’t understand that, it may be difficult to challenge your dreams or recognize your strength.

If you refresh your mind on a daily basis and say, “I need to be accountable and I am going have to give an account, one point in time in this life, of what I’ve done.”

Even if you don’t believe in the next life over or higher being, you’re going to have to be accountable to yourself. You will note what kind of person you are. What will you answer to yourself when you look at the mirror and say, “What have I done today to make this place a better place than when I found it? What have I done to make this world better, stronger, wiser, different?”

It may not be cataclysmic changes or volcanic eruptions, something that you’ve done on your own because you’re capable. That’s what being accountable means. Be accountable, that’s important.

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