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Beginning to End

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 222 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I am often asked the question, “How do things happen? And how do things develop in someone’s life? What is the track? What is the destiny?”

Let me explain how it starts. First is the “thought” in your mind. Something that you conceive, which needs some type of vessel to be contained. That is where it resides, in your mind. The thought then translates into a word. The word will then put expression and will put a certain type of circumference around that concept that you thought about.

This word then will make it into an action. Action is what you see and what you do. That’s the reality of that thought that became now, an action. The actions, over a period of time, will create habits and habits will be the type of person that you are, which will shape your character. That character will then determine your destiny.

That’s the process, from the beginning to the end. A thought, which grows into words; words into action; action into habits; habits into character; and character into destiny. That’s beginning to end. A–Z.

This is how you shape your life, so be careful, starting with your thoughts. Be careful what you think about and where your thoughts take you.

You may say, “Can I control my thoughts?” Absolutely, you can control them. You can direct them, and redirect them towards goodness. Once you do that, then you’ll change your destiny and everything around and about you.

Be careful where you start. From the beginning to the end. Because this is how you shape your life and dictate the pathway that you will take. This could be very, very good for you if you pay attention to this.

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