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Beneficial Meeting

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 786 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

When we have meetings with people the question is, “Is the meeting beneficial or not?” If it is the next question would be, “Is it beneficial to both parties or just one?” For a meeting to be beneficial it has to be able to be beneficial to both. Both parties, as they meet, have to walk away with something. Something which is greater than they had before the meeting.

The approach of a meeting should be with respect and affection. The reason for that is because you have to judge every single person favorably, irrespective of what you find out about them. It is necessary to bear in mind that the person that you’re meeting with could be making a self-commitment in their lives or perhaps may not even be responsible.

It simply may not be because something they want, but it could be because they may not have had the opportunity to receive the proper education, or guidance, or success that you’ve had. That may be the real truth behind that.

If this is the case and you find that this person is not as successful, or bright, or good – whatever you may call good as you are – then you should have devoted pity for such a person. But not the kind as denigrating. To the contrary, it’s necessary at that moment to make the utmost effort to help that person.

Help them with love, respect, and in a pleasant manner.

Help them see themselves greater than they are.

Help them grow.

Help them see that success is something that they can achieve with progressive discipline over a reasonable period of time.

Help them see that failure is nothing more than the lack of vision. That they themselves can become better. They have this opportunity just like you have, and if there’s something that you know that they do well, emphasize that point so that they can truly be uplifted.

There’s a saying that says, “By lifting others, you rise.” That is true. But in order to lift them you have to find the good in them; you have to find the best in them. Then help them see it.

Once they see that and they realize how much they can do, there is no telling how far they can go. And who knows? Perhaps one day they might even outdo you. Wouldn’t that be great? That they walked away from such a meeting with great things?

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