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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 188 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

A great wise person once wrote, “Any human being whose spirit moves him and whose intellect has motivated him to distinguish himself by standing before the Creator, serving and knowing Him, will be granted all of his physical needs.”

In other words, when we recognize that the purpose of our lives is to serve the Creator and be who we were created to be, and we dedicate ourselves to accomplishing everything that we are supposed to do; we can be assured that the best of everything, materially and spiritually, will be given to us.

So, why not live a good life?

Why worry?

Why be so concerned about what we are going to need?

Why not just do the best that we can?

Know for a fact that we are continuously in the hands of the Creator who guides us and gives us our strength and our very own breath every single moment. By knowing this you can rest assure that the best of everything will be given to you.

Live peacefully with serenity and kindness and know that it’s all there for you anytime all the time.

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