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Birth of Iron

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 200 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It is told that when iron was created in the world; wherever there was wood, the trees got worried. They thought, “Goodness, now that the iron is here, we can be cut down. We no longer are the majestic vegetation and growth and trunks that’s we thought we were. We could be destroyed because of iron.”

This is not truth because in order for the iron to cut the tree, it must have a handle. The handle itself becomes the axe, and it’s with that handle which holds on to the part of the iron which can cut the tree. Without the handle, the axe serves no purpose; it can’t harm anyone.

Nobody will cut you down without your consent at any given time. If you define me, who I am, then that means I have no mission. I must define myself. If you’re in a bad mood, then where am I? Why do I act this way? I’m not in a place which is described as limited. I’m wherever I want to be.

The tree thought it was limited but when it realized that it needed its help, a portion of it to create the axe, then it knew it could control it.

The same thing here; no one can control you. You are in complete charge of yourself. No one can define you. If people try to define you, don’t let them.

You are the best that has ever come down on Earth and without you, the world couldn’t exist. You have to remember this and keep on repeating this to yourself. Certainly, to children who need to grow in a safe, sound, completely warm environment. You need to tell your friends, as well as colleagues, and people that you’re with. Let them know that they matter and that everything matters, not just their presence but their actions and their reactions. And everything else that they do.

This is what the world is all about, made up of many different people, all over this beautiful place that we call Earth. To make this a better place to be than it was when we found it. That’s what life is.

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