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Chinese Crisis

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 180 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In Chinese, the word crisis is the same as the word opportunity. Now you might ask, how is that possible? These are two paradoxical concepts or at least antithetical ideas. An opportunity is something that takes you to the next level. A crisis is something that may either drown you or possibly cause an issue in your life; something which is important to pay attention to. Yet the Chinese see this concept as the same.

I’m not sure exactly why this happened but my own ideas, is that the Chinese see opportunities sometimes coming out of crisis. When there is a crisis, it’s really not a crisis. It’s actually an opportunity in disguise. I love that concept. There was a scientist who passed away back in ’88 and actually even received a Nobel Prize. He said, “My mother made me into a scientist without ever intending to do so.” Yet he said, “Every parent asks their children, did you get all your answers today in school?” But he said, “My mother asked, did you have a ‘good question’ today?”

In other words, his mother taught him that what’s more important and not so much what other people say but what do you come up with, what do you think about the world, what is your idea, what is your search bringing you to? There is nothing greater in life than self-development. Self-development is the opportunity for you to use all your capabilities and all your strengths and make them even better.

We each have that as a gift called free will. It’s given to every single human being; not animals, not plants or vegetation, and not inanimate, just human beings. Every human being; irrespective of their race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. So, whoever you are, wherever you are, why not use this concept. Whatever you see in your life and if it is a crisis or even if it isn’t, why not think of it as an opportunity for you to develop, to grow, to make things better and stronger? Take this opportunity to be the best that you can be. This in itself will be the best of things that you can do for your life and the rest of the world.

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