Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.
Original Light
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 123 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Before the universe came into existence, the Creator’s infinite Light filled all that there was. In order to make room for the world to be created, the Creator, in His infinite wisdom, withheld some of His light and it left behind a vacuum. When the Creator created light, He entered the vacuum and everything except the Creator, was actually shattered, and it scattered sparks of divine light throughout the universe. Those sparks became trapped in physical shells – the animate and the inanimate. These are the objects that make up our world. read more…Universal Connection
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 122 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Here’s an important concept that you need to know about the world:
By doing good deeds you affect the whole world. Not just because of what you’re doing, but because the whole world is connected. If you want to be the right person and you want to do things properly, you have to realize that within “you” lies a G-dly spark. It’s inherent in every aspect of modern day reality. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 121 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I would like to share with you a fascinating concept. Love can be expressed in various ways. Either by speech, a look, a kiss, or an embrace. The highest form of the four is the embrace.
You see, the embrace displays a love so strong as to be uncommunicable by any other means. Its unique feature is so particular that one wise man wrote this:
“When embracing the person on all sides, including from behind, it does not allow him to depart from oneself.” read more…
Wake Up New
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 120 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Every single night when a person goes to sleep, they think the reason is so that their body can rest. The truth is, there’s so much more to the reason why sleeping was made part of our life.
The way the world was created was so that each and every moment of life can be used in the most appropriate and productive way possible. So, what would be the purpose of the night? A sleeping person does not do much; they’re lying there, quiet, often not even moving. The only thing they are doing, it seems, is breathing. But, what happens during that time is the soul, we are told, goes back up to Heaven and replenishes its energy. It draws from the tremendous Infinite Light that the Creator has to share and it gives it hope, understanding, belief, and a tremendous amount of rejuvenated ambition. This invigorated strength allows the soul to come back down the next day and do so much more than it did the day before. read more…
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Achievement – Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
You know how sometimes you find yourself in a difficult situation? And the difficulty seems to be impossible to overcome?
You have to think of those moments of being ready, and that you are the achiever. Achievement means overcoming any obstacle successfully. There are two major benefits of positive reinforcement.
First, it builds very good habits. The person that you are today, is built on that. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 118 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Is life about success?
Accumulation of goods?
Great wealth?
Tremendous amounts of acquisitions? read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 117 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Self-preparation is an important concept. It’s about you being ready to do all that you’re supposed to do. You carefully have to consider where the next opportunity can come from. You have to make sure that the origin of this opportunity is indeed good, and good for you. Make sure that you know how and what you need, to be prepared for these opportunities. Do all that you can do for each opportunity, because it’s more likely to happen without you knowing it’s going to happen. You need to be self-prepared. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 116 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
What is a mission? If you think about it, it’s any important task or duty that is assigned. Sometimes self-imposed, sometimes given from someone else.
A mission is an important goal, or purpose, that is accompanied by strong conviction, calling, or even a vocation. It has been sent for someone’s duty or purpose. Ambition is what you have at hand- it’s what you’re created for.
What is your mission, and how do you plan your mission in this world?
What rules? read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 115 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Are you connected?
Connected to yourself?
Connected to your soul?
Connected to your heart? read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 114 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Do you realize how long it took for you to be prepared to come to this world? It seems between thirty-nine to forty weeks, which is about nine months. But what about before then?
What did it take? And where were you?
For you to be ready to come down on earth and to fulfill your purpose, how long did it take you to get ready? read more…