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Dr. Dahan’s Daily WisdomMotivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.

A Changed Life

A Changed Life

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 333 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I read a message today from a man with an incredible story. He wrote that he had listened to one of my podcasts and hearing the message, he decided to change his life. By changing his life, he was also able to affect other people around him including his spouse, the relationship with his children, and also the attitude that he had at his job. His life had been completely changed.

I wondered, what was it he heard that I said which was so unique or special? He wrote in his message: “It was nothing you said, but rather it’s the words that were expressed in what you said.”

It’s interesting how by making a podcast or sending a message, you can affect people on the other side of the world. This person lives miles and miles away from here, in a different country, speaking a different language, but he heard one of the podcasts and it affected his life. Is this what you’re all about? You and I, changing the world? The answer is “Yes”. read more…

Unexpected Tears

Unexpected Tears

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 332 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I have given many lectures throughout the world pertaining to many different subjects. Just recently, during one of my lectures, several of the people who were sitting in the front had tears in their eyes; unexpected tears. Something that I said, a concept that I spoke about, a story that I told, an idea that I shared had caused those tears to come down their cheeks.

Now, you may say, “Is this the right thing to do?” If you affect people and they react in such a way that unexpected tears come out, you know that you have touched their heart. You know that you have come into a place in their life where goodness resides. Through your words, your story, your cues, your examples, or even whatever it is that you shared with them as an idea, somehow brought out an emotion which caused their tears to come down. This is the right way to do what you want to do. This is the right way to give a lecture. read more…

Bumped Off

Bumped Off

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 331 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Recently I was on a flight, I was scheduled to fly at a certain time. I arrived at the airport on time. I registered and gotten my ticket and my boarding pass. Everything was according to plan. But for whatever reason, everyone had gotten on the plane except me. They said they didn’t have a seat for me. I couldn’t understand what had happened. I calmly approached the desk and asked the stewardess, “What about my seat? I have not been assigned a seat?”

She said that my name had been bumped off. The airlines had overbooked the flight and one name was bumped off, mine. I had flown many, many times over the years. This has never happened to me.

I was in a quandary because I had a business appointment. My flight was going to be now delayed and I would not be on time, and many people were waiting for me to make a presentation. What should I do? read more…

Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 329 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever heard the expression, “Leave me alone”? It seems that when someone says this to you, or anyone else, this expression has a negative connotation. “Leave me alone” may sound like, “I don’t want to be with you. I don’t need you and I don’t want anyone around me. I just want to be by myself.”

The truth is, a “leave me alone” time can be the ultimate gift to yourself on a daily basis. Every single day we manage to go through obstacles, and at times try to overcome some of the most difficult challenges that we have in our life. Sometimes we succeed and other times it seems that we don’t succeed. read more…

Power of a Shadow

Power of a Shadow

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 328 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It is quite incredible, when you think about the power of a shadow. Depending on the time of the day the sun’s location in the sky, the very same object’s shadow will be either short and fat, or tall and thin. Since your shadow is always with you, it is actually a built-in compass.

As long as you are not in the forest or a city of skyscrapers, your shadow will be there with you until you sleep. It’s also a ready-made source of outdoor fun for kids. Do you remember when you were younger and actually tried to chase your shadow? It was always a lot of fun.

Just as the movement of a person’s body is reflected and magnified in his own shadow, every step of our conduct in this world arouses spiritual forces of incomparable power in the universe. read more…

Make the Call

Make the Call

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 327 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are people whom we love and those whom we respect. There are also those that we miss. A way to keep in touch with them is to call them. To some it may be difficult because it’s been quite some time since you’ve spoken to them. To others it maybe not as simple because you may have had an argument with them and you feel that that call will not be beneficial. And for others, you don’t want to call because you don’t have much to say to them.

My suggestion is just to make the call.

Whoever they are, if you know them and they are acquaintances of yours, make the call. Call them to wish them a good day. Call them to tell them you miss them. If you’ve had an argument with them or a disagreement, call them to make up. Call them. That was the sole reason why the phone was invented, so that you can make the call. So that we can bring people together and communicate while we’re away from each other. That is the sole purpose the phone technology was created. read more…

Heavenly Gift to Man

Heavenly Gift to Man

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 793 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Each and every human being has been given a heavenly gift. Every single day that you wake up, you have been given a gift. The gift of time, the gift of opportunity, and the gift to choose what you wish and make this world a better place than you found it. The Creator’s mercy forever means that I have an excellent chance to do much better today than I did yesterday.

One concept is financial independence, where nobody and nothing has a claim on you. You are totally and incredibly dependent upon the resources of your own work. If you think about that, there is an incredible feeling there which gives you a serenity which is absolutely, undeniably quiet, fruitful, and always there. It is more than a mystery – it is actually a reality. read more…

King in the Field

King in the Field

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 357 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There is an analogy used of a person who lives in the city with a king over that county. The wanting or willingness to visit the king is not so simple, because the king is sitting in his palace and is not easily accessible to everyone. After all, he’s the king. But sometimes the king takes the time to go out and meet the people.

When the king is in the field, it is easy for everyone to approach and to present him with a petition or whatever it is that we needed. Often the king receives everyone with grace, and even offers them to fulfill their requests. There are times in the calendar of our days, our lives, when the King of the universe grants us this opportunity to speak with Him privately, one-on-one. Where He says, “What can I do for you? How can I help you?” read more…

I Keep Falling

I Keep Falling

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 323 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Sometimes you will speak to people who say, or perhaps even you say, “I keep falling. I keep making the same mistake that I made over and over again. Even though I try to be better. I try to overcome these challenges yet I keep falling. I keep falling in the same mistakes and sometimes even more so than I did before. I keep falling. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, no matter what happens, there’s another obstacle, and I keep falling, so what’s the point?

What should I do? Why do I keep falling?” read more…

If You Are Down, Sing

If You Are Down, Sing

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 322 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are times in our lives when we feel that the challenges are bigger than we are, and we are not able to overcome them. It seems that, in an unconditional way we’re not going to succeed and things are very, very difficult. This is an option that we have. We can live in this anxiety, and we can live with the passion of knowing that we are going to eventually come out of it, but with sadness. Or we can overcome that.

At times you are not sure, because things are challenging and difficult. You may not know where you’re going or whether or not the outcome will be what you would like it to be.

If you’re down, go ahead and sing. You can hum or you can sing. I suggest you sing to yourself without words. Make sure that the song that you’re singing is something that you heard once that touched your heart. read more…

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