Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.
Individual Experience
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 296 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Are there times when you feel that other people are trying to impress their own feelings upon you, or their concepts, ideas, philosophies, religion, or anything else that they believe in? There is an absolute universal standard of morality and ethics that binds all of humanity. This is the truth, this is the way it has to be. This was given by the Creator of the world Himself. It was in such a way that each and every member of society has to be careful of what they do. There are measurements as to what is right and what is not. The paths of truth, which are endless, are not the same as the 88 keys that we find on the piano. On a piano, each key represents a note, and they lend themselves to endless musical combinations. For instance, Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, Bach – all these amazing creators of music – didn’t need to create new keys in order to display their creative genius and musical brilliance. They just took those same keys and a combination of their own individual association of notes and made a new song, new music. read more…Excitement
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 295 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Where does excitement come from? What is its origin and where does it stop? If you understand your purpose, then excitement begins within yourself. The excitement of knowing that you have a mission in this world.
This is what you have been sent down on Earth to develop: to develop all kinds of concepts in life. Development in nature, processes, spirituality, physicality, and everything that’s around you. Make it grow and make it better. Not only better than it is, but better than you found it when you first got here.
The electrifying concept of what you have to do to replenish this enthusiasm for the daily part of your purpose and your tasks, every day, is “excitement”. That’s the exciting part about life. That you can create your own excitement from what you do and what you have by valuing the process of time. read more…
I Miss You
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 294 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are times in life when we miss someone or some place. Something that we wish we had again one more time in our lives. It can seem at times that when we had this one person or this one place where we were, we didn’t really appreciate it. That’s the way any one of us feels and you can say it, “I miss you” or, “I miss is.”
I, at times, miss some of the members of my family who are no longer alive. I miss them because of what they brought to my life the passion, capabilities; and making me see dreams which I had not ever anticipated could happen. Giving me the strength to go from day to day and giving me the enthusiasm that I needed at times when things were difficult. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 293 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I spoke to someone yesterday who felt frustrated because he was disorganized. This person told me how upset he was, he couldn’t remember where he put things when he came home, or the last details of the things he had to do, the tasks, errands, or even an important concept he had to implement in their life.
It’s simple, disorganization is not to be shunned or to be ignored – it is to be mastered. In order for you to understand disorganization you first have to accept that you are disorganized. Just admit it and say, “Okay, I am a disorganized person. Now where should I start?” I’ll give you some insights as to where you can start in a simplistic way.
First and foremost, note that every time you come home, whether it’s the keys to your car or the item that you carry your valuables with, make sure that you put it in one specific place. Keep this as a habit. Make that a determining factor of a discipline that you’re joining today. Next, do everything in an orderly fashion. read more…
Think Together
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 292 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are several forms of leadership in all of its forms. Forms of leadership in the family, the workplace, in schools, or organizations. Leadership is not about cloning anyone to fit the image or disposition of the one leader. This is absolutely incorrect.
An authentic leader must embrace human diversity to be a true leader. The distinction is between people who are a positive phenomenon and things that they bring, are actually not a threat. These concepts are rooted in the leaders’ appreciation of the Creator of humanity. The G-d Himself, the Creator who created the whole world, and since G-d created so many distinct spaces, spirits, hearts, and so many different people, the unique quality of a true leader is one that accepts each and every one of them. read more…
Selfish Or Selfless
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 291 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There is a concept in life that every challenge we are presented with packs a certain amount of energy. To meet that challenge requires an amount of energy equal to that of the challenge from us. If the resistance is ten pounds, we need to counter it with ten pounds. But we need eleven pounds or more to overcome it.
When it comes to the tension between the matter and spirit, the spirit must apply that much energy, and more to overcome the matter. Physically speaking, two of us cannot sit in the same seat at the same time. This is because physicality, by definition, takes up time and space. In order to share with one another, we have to give up something. If we have food and we share with another, we then have less. If we have money and we share with another, we now have less. Things are measured in a quantitative manner in the world of matter. That’s just what it is. read more…
Does Perfection Exist
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 290 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “human perfection”. Does it exist? Is it even possible, and where does it come from? You should know, there is always room for advancement in all matters of goodness and holiness. Since these are infinite, as derived from the infinite itself, there is room for improvement. In the human concept there is no such a thing as “human perfection”.
A person must make allowances for others in the same way that they expect. Also, the other to have such allowances coming from them. There’s no way at any time, that any one person can say they are perfect. There’s not such a thing. read more…
Ah-Ha Moment
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 289 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are times during the day, or during the week, or other at times in our lives that make a difference. There are also moments that are called the “Ah-ha” moments. We are all familiar with them. It’s the moment when the answers you’ve been looking for travel from your heart to your head and then you say, “This is it!” No questions, no interruptions, just a silent recognition of the desired answer you were asking for. Listen and follow what you need to do.
Sometimes at that very moment you make an important decision. Something that you’ve been looking for and that you’ve been thinking about. Something that has been continuously in your mind and in your heart. Something that you wanted to find out more about. In actuality it is there, and now it makes a difference. You’ve made the decision to become better, greater. read more…
Run Your Own Life
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 288 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
You want to know the best way to run your life? The best way to reach the highest levels of happiness and contentment? The time to reach the ultimate level of goodness? To be the one that you dream to be? Then here is some advice that might help. “Run your own life.”
Don’t let anyone or anything change the person that you are. Run your own life and don’t let this be affected by the mores or the fashions or the dictates, or the direction that everybody else is going into.
You see other people smoking. You know that smoking is dangerous to your health, but it has a certain “cool vibe” around it. It makes you look different, perhaps even more important. Don’t follow that. read more…
External & Internal
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 287 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are many people who believe that what they feel inside or who they are inside, is more important than what is outside. Let me explain my belief of external versus the internal. There are many people who believe that what they feel inside or who they are inside, is more important than what is outside. Let me explain my belief of external versus the internal.
The external self is the person who shows the outcome of who they are on the outside. It’s how they dress, how they act, and the person that they are trying to impress upon others of who they really are. The internal part, is what they feel, what they think, things that are more personal to themselves. read more…