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Dr. Dahan’s Daily WisdomMotivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.

Silver Lining

Silver Lining

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 744 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There was once a person who had acquired quite a bit of wealth, and he believed in his heart that all this success was due to his own imagination, his ambition, his strength, his knowledge, and his beliefs.

His mentor, who knew better than this, once visited him, and he asked, “What makes you think you earned all these blessings and all of this money?”

The man, in the most arrogant way, answered, “Well, I’m very smart, and because of my work I deserve all the wealth that I’ve acquired.”

The mentor looked at him and said, “Please follow me.”

So, the man did. They went closer to a window that looked outside on the street, and the mentor asked the man, “What do you see?” read more…

4 Worlds

4 Worlds

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 743 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Our universe is made up of four separate worlds. Although they are united, they are different from one another. The first one is the world of inanimate. It is by far the greatest in quantity. As the world was created, the world of the inanimate was first developed. It includes, but is not limited to, the earth that makes up the valleys and the rivers, the sand that covers the miles of beaches, and the stones that form the mountains.

The world of inanimate doesn’t have a vocal voice, like human beings do. But, at times of an earthquake, or during a violent whirlwind, it is very clear that the world of inanimate does have a way to express itself. read more…

The Letter “F”

The Letter “F”

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 742 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Years ago, one of my daughters was away in school, so, I wrote her a personal letter. Within that letter, I expressed the importance of time. The preciousness of how many hours are in a day and how many seconds are in an hour, and to use them properly. To invest them in goodness and brightness, and to become a different person.

Then I took a letter of the alphabet – just one letter – and I chose the letter F, and what F could be. I wrote, the letter F is a simple letter in the ABC’s, but it has so much to say about life. F stands for fun, frivolities, fallacy, fashions, fads, “following foolish friends”, flashy, “first but fake”, failure, “fight fire”, “for your fate”. read more…

Sleep Little

Sleep Little

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 741 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you want to accomplish many things in your life you need to limit how much you sleep. Now you may say, “Why is that? I love sleeping. Actually, sleeping is so good – it makes me feel comfortable, it gives me rest, and it allows me to dream.”

This is true, and all of this is necessary, but it needs to be limited. You need to sleep little because your life is precious and your friends are precious. You need to get rid of any ambiguity that you have, once you analyze your situation, you can awaken the passion within yourself that will catapult your goals and brighten your future in the way that you’ve never even thought could be possible. To do that, you need to be awake. read more…

Meaningful Life

Meaningful Life

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 740 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Do you find that you’re not living a meaningful life?

Do you find perhaps, that you’re lacking in having a life full of goodness and greatness?

What is it that you’re looking for?

If you find it, what will there be?

Once you have found the meaning of life, will there be enough life left at that moment to live meaningfully? read more…

Seeking Shortcuts

Seeking Shortcuts

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 739 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

When I was growing up I always learned that things had to be done thoroughly, comprehensively, and in an ordinate manner. If you put in the time in what you do, and do it properly, you will find benefits in the results of your labor. The fruits of that labor will be deserved properly at the right time.

There are people today, who look for shortcuts. They think that they should be rich overnight. They think they should have all the intelligence and wisdom in the world, all at the tip of their fingers.

Technology has brought so many wonderful things to our world and our universe, but there are no shortcuts. If you want to be educated, sophisticated, knowledgeable, and gain wisdom you will have to work. It will take time. You will have to analyze your situation and gather all the strength that you need to understand the wisdom behind science, culture, arts, and discipline. read more…

The Air Around You

The Air Around You

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 738 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I once read that that man’s life is dependent on the air around him. Without air, he cannot live, and the quality of life is dependent on the quality of the air. The air itself can be compared to not only something physical but also spiritual. In an atmosphere where there’s a lack of kindness or goodness, or ethics, there is a healthy life that will be missing as well. In a place where we don’t recognize that there is a Creator of the world, or that there is a Supreme Being, the environment itself is diseased. It is constantly threatened with a possibility of being stricken with contagious maladies. It’s just the physical acting onto the spiritual. This is part of life. (more…)
The Need for Hope

The Need for Hope

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 737 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In the morning, we open our eyes after a good night’s sleep and having stretched out our limbs, and straightened our back and even clothed ourselves. We are then ready to begin a new day, all fresh with vigor and strength. The miracle of rest and the renewed strength is experienced every single morning. This is when we rise from our sleep to begin a new day with renewed energy. But as in the case of many other wonders which we see daily, or at least at regular intervals like the rising of the sun, and the changing of the seasons, our attention is usually not as excited by these events. So, we often not look at them in a particular manner. read more…



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 736 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Man is the only living creature that has to dress himself in clothes. Have you ever thought about that for a moment? All other animals and birds are born with their clothes on, or they grow their own clothes such as furs and feathers and so on. Now, these protect them from the elements; the cold, the heat, the rain, and anything else that they need protection from.

Human beings wear clothes not just for protection against the elements. There are climates in certain parts of the world where no clothes are necessary for protection. Yet even the natives of those climates wear certain clothing, certain coverings. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Clothes are important because without those, a person is somewhat ashamed of who they may be. read more…

Tied Hand & Foot

Tied Hand & Foot

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 735 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

We are like people who are bound with ropes. When we wake up, we feel released. We are again, in control of our movements and we can get out of bed; but until that moment, we’re tied.

In a deeper sense, there are people who are tied hand and foot in a variety of ways. For instance, one may find oneself enmeshed in economic difficulty, or bound by financial obligation. One may find oneself a prisoner of circumstances. There are many ways to be bound up in life. read more…

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