Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.
Good Health Habits
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 734 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are many good health habits in this world. Some we learned by ourselves and some that we are taught from families, friends, or parents. Brushing your teeth, sitting properly at the table, eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away, there are so many of these wonderful sayings. But some habits are destructive, and can, unfortunately, impede your health, or somewhat limit some of your general functions. Smoking, for instance, is one of them. Smoking will reduce your ability to run and often to do things in the happiest way. It will also control your mind at times by dictating what type of mood you will have. read more…Striving to be Good
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 733 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I am a firm believer that many people try their best to have a different view on the world, and they strive to be good. Striving to be good is not something which is unique to one person. I truly believe that it is the goal of most people.
Here’s a suggestion: you need to set forth a program for goodness, striving in the best way that you can with your mind and seeking the truth. Be able to critically examine every move that you make. Make sure that you conform with honesty and integrity. This will come through great efforts. This effort doesn’t imply that one must pulverize mountains, shatter boulders, and turn the world upside down in order to be good. read more…
Seeing the Consequences
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 732 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
A great man once said, “The one who sees the consequences of his actions will actually lead a beautiful life. They will never come to do things that are either inappropriate, or not according to the ways of nature.”
By seeing future consequences of an action, a person will make the right choices. And as a matter of fact, a person will always lead a good life.
Only a clear recognition – so clear that it’s actually seen as a higher understanding – of the loss that will be caused by something done inappropriately, can safeguard a person from slipping into things which are not supposed to be done.
Take a moment and analyze your situation. Look at the things that you should be doing, or not be doing, and you will lead a very good life. One who sees the consequences understands that what will happen in the future may not be the right thing and therefore they will be held back from doing things which they’re not supposed to do. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 731 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Are you worrying about things in your life? You may worry about losing some of the things that you have accumulated, or perhaps losing a close friend or a relative. Or maybe even losing an opportunity. How does worry help you in any way?
Think about it for a second, what does worrying bring you? Worrying, is a disease, and if it spreads it can be dangerous. It doesn’t bring anything at all. It doesn’t even help you. If anything, it makes you depressed, upset, and often wondering about what the future will be.
Why worry? Why not let nature, life, and the eagerness to live a good and happy life, be the one that guides you? read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 730 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There is a word which can be difficult to understand at times. The word is ‘entitlement’. Why would anybody think that they are entitled to some things?
For instance, a person says, “I’m entitled to my rights. This is part of my being here.”
Or a person may say, “I’m entitled to receive what is due to me.” An entitlement means there is a certain designation. A denomination that has been specific for that person, and this has to be given. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 729 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
It has been said that a person should be humble of spirit before every other individual. The reason for this is that each person has a quality that others lacks, and they complement one another.
There are some advantages that one person may have over another. One may have superiority in one area, and another might need help in that same area.
This is analogist of the human body, which contains a head and feet. The feet are at the lowest point, and the head sits at the highest point, superior to all other organs. In a sense, the feet still have an advantage over the head. The head needs the feet to go places. In this way, the legs support the body. When one experiences pain in the head, one can draw blood from the feet in order to heal the head. Thus, the head is lacking without the feet. So too, everyone needs every other human being. read more…
Facing Yourself
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 728 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
A wise man taught that everything we see, whether good or bad, is really a reflection of ourselves. If it was not, we would simply not see it. This phenomenon is part of the kindness that the Creator has given to us. This is the way that He teaches us a lesson in life.
Most of us have difficulty hearing or finding out from others that we have a flaw, that we don’t recognize. In order for us to figure it out in a way that we would accept, the Creator sets up a confrontation with a person who exhibits the same flaw in some form. When we see it, we react by saying, “How terrible is that! I can’t believe it.” But then it dawns on us that we exhibit the same type of behavior, maybe in a different form.
The same is also true with positive things. We recognize a positive characteristic in others because we have it in ourselves. If we didn’t have any element of it we would not be able to recognize it. In other words, you are what you see and you see what you are. This is all about facing yourself. That’s what the world is. read more…
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 727 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I’m sure you’ve heard of the word ‘arrogance’. This word describes the ego of a person who is pretentious, vain, disdainful. Ego is a disease, it’s something that bothers the whole world, yet we live with it. Many people think it’s quite alright to be arrogant. They believe that everything that they do is better than anything else; that anyone else does. They believe that everything they do is better than what anybody else does. Why be arrogant?
When I was younger, I learned that words that come from the heart, enter the heart. As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to better understand the wisdom of these words, and their profound meaning.
I decided to create these lessons some time ago. The reason for doing so was an attempt to share with as many people as possible ideas, feelings, and concepts that could be helpful to listeners.
Now you must know that these lessons I write about, I have learned from different people. They were brought from many different sources including close friends, family members, mentors, and others. read more…
Time Control
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 726 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I was asked a question, “How do you control your life? How do you discipline yourself? What do you do to dominate the day? How do you manage and rule everything that you do?”
When you take control of your life, the first place to start is with time. Wherever you place your hours of the day, this is where your time control starts. But, you cannot control time until you first control yourself.
Life is like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish. But you can only spend it once. So, you have to ask yourself:
Where have you placed your heart?
Where have you placed your mind and your soul?
What is important to you? read more…
A Parent
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 725 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
People often wonder what a parent should be. How can we teach a parent? How do we become a parent? What should a parent learn, and where should a parent get their information to become a parent?
The truth is, there isn’t any book out there that you can read that can make you a parent. To be a parent means living by example. It is who you are. By being a good person, by being kind and giving, by being understanding and always loving, then you will be a good parent.
Parenting is not a trick. It’s not a concept or something that you learn as a technique or procedure. It’s not a program, and it’s certainly not a classroom that you set up in your home to show your children who you are. read more…