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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 129 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Every day when you wake up you must make decisions as to the kind of day you want to have. One should be diligent in what they do and should pay attention to this every day.

Diligence is to decide what needs to be done, and do it enthusiastically. Respect every person, whether they are friends, or foe – they’re still human beings. You should also do this with gentleness.

Wise men say things in a soft way and develop the habit – surely, within a period of time you will find yourself being listened to.

You should have also humility. Of course, you’re not perfect and you need to recognize your own weakness, but you also need to ignore the faults of others.

Two more things you need to remember about the decisions on every day:

First, is truth. Do not say anything unless you know in your heart that it is true.

Second, is silence. Choose your words carefully. Don’t talk unless you have something worthwhile to say. If it’s good and it will change the world for the better, then by all means say it. If not, why not keep it to yourself?

Think about it and ask yourself, “Is it worth having this negativity in my life?” These are the decisions that you have to make every day. By making these decisions every morning, before you start your day, you are guaranteed a good day, a healthy day, a sweet day, and a productive day.

That’s what I wish for you. Not just today – every day. May you be blessed with the goodness of the world, and the greatness that the Creator has given us may be true today and every day. For you, and for all of us.

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