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Deluded Dreams

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 160 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Do you walk around thinking that G-d is angry with you?

Or are you believing that you have done so many negative things that at this point there’s almost no hope?

After all, why shouldn’t He be angry with you or even abandon you?

You know you have done things that He doesn’t like. In fact, you don’t even think about Him many times.

So, why should He care about you?

Those are deluded dreams at the core of your consciousness. In every single person, there is a spark of G-dliness. It is awake and it is are waiting for you to react and understand. At no point in time are you alone and by yourself. G-d is never angry at you. From above, He pours an insurmountable and infinite amount of love. Love that never subsides nor changes, regardless of what you do, what you think, what you say, and how you act. It’s there.

What blocks the entry to that love? What stops all of this beautiful showering of goodness? Only those “deluded dreams” of yours that make you think that you are not who you are. You are better than you think.

You have within yourself the power to change the world at any given time. All you have to do is make the decision that this is what you want, and everything will change. You can change yourself and you can change the world around you.

After today you never have to be the same again, only by choice. So, what are you waiting for?

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