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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 402 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Here is a disease, a condition which I believe must be avoided at all costs and that is envy. You see, to be envious of others means taking away the right from your life to be happy. We’re all stuck in that concept at times. We’re going around assuming that others have a better life, more money, they’re happier, they have more of everything materially, spiritually, physically, socially, economically, in every aspect. This envy takes away from you the opportunity to live a truly genuine unadulterated life. Why be envious?

First of all, do you know that these people have? What they think they have or what you think they have? Do you really believe that? What is it that you think they have that you don’t have? You may say, “Well, they have a better car than I do. I can’t afford that car.” So what? If you have transportation or this is what you’ve got now, why not enjoy it? And you don’t know that the item or this car, what is it that they have is better than yours that is what brings them happiness. You see, if you were to ask these people, and this has been shown over and over again, are they truly happy? The answer is, not really. Happiness is not something you pursue. Happiness is not an experience. Happiness is not something you wish for. Happiness is a state of being of where you are. Being envious of others robs away from your time, from your life, from your opportunities to be who you need to be. You don’t get to enjoy the things that you’ve got, continuously being envious of what others have, and if you were given that, would it be better? Probably not because that’s not what happiness is and that’s not what it leads to.

Happiness is knowing what you’ve got and being happy with who you are. It’s being content with what you’ve got in pursuit of what you want and that may last forever.

Here’s something else you need to be cognizant about: you may never get some of these things that you wish for. For instance, you may want to have a private jet . In your lifetime, you may not be destined to have a private jet. So what? If you can get to a destination that you wish to, the jet is not going to make a difference; so know that life is not being envious of others who have. It’s being happy with what you’ve got at the time that you live now.

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