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Exotic Garden

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186 dailywisdom youtube

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 186 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

How do you see your world every day when you wake up? Do you find that the alarm sound is a razing sound that just wakes you up? And then the race to get to the restroom, get dressed, have something to eat on the run. Get to work, work, work, all day. Come home, have dinner, go to sleep, and start all over again?

Is this where you are today and this is what your wife tells you, or your husband tells you, or a friend, or a colleague, or anyone? If this is what you’re leading to right now, then you need to look outside.

Wherever you live and whatever you do, take the opportunity to look at this beautiful, amazing, exotic garden that the world is. Look outside. Look at the beautiful flowers. Look at the amazing, incredible infinite color of the sky. Appreciate what we are given. If you see the world as an exotic garden, suddenly, walking around it on a trek or taking a walk becomes not only an exercise but an experience. This changes your attitude, it changes your views. It even changes the color of schemes of everything that you see. Imagine yourself being in front of such a beautiful grass and walking around these beautiful flowers. What does it feel like?

When I used to start speaking in front of large crowds, I, at the very beginning, was quite frightened. I wasn’t comfortable; and then someone told me, “Every single person that comes in listen to you is there looking up to you and waiting for an opportunity to understand your message, and you have something to say and you say it well, so use it as a tool. Something, which is helping everyone, should be a blessing.”

From the day I heard this, I would walk into these large seminars which I have been giving for many years and look at the crowds in front of me and think of each and every one of them, as a family member. Someone who has come to visit with me and ask me for advice. So, I speak from the heart as it is supposed to be. Because when you speak from the heart, it enters the listener’s heart. When you speak with kindness, with truth, integrity, you now create an exotic garden.

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