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Extraordinary Women

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 232 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In our world, there are many people who do many different things. There are women and men.

Today, I would like to speak about women, and how special they are. Not just to us but to the whole world. Women are what we might call “extraordinary”. Women, interestingly enough, lives a more dedicated life. They thinks more in-depth and with a little more enthusiasm. The enthusiasm which they live by, provides them a breakthrough to any limitation that comes their way. Fortunately, these women are blessed with a good amount, and measure of enthusiasm. This is most women.

If they analyze properly, which they do, in the right direction, they can strengthen other people around them. They have been given this ability because they are the ones who often raise children at home. Therefore, women have been endowed with this extraordinary power, to overcome challenges and know what to do when they appear. This is quite amazing.

For you women out there who are listening to this, know that you have been blessed with great strengths and unlimited and unprecedented amounts of goodness. Share this with the world, and show it to each and every person around you. Show it to your friends, family, and acquaintances. This is what you can do for the world. I believe that women can do so much more than what they’re doing today.

I’ve seen my own mother, bless her heart, do so many good things, and carry the torch high at any given time. Growing up watching her, made me understand the power of women.

I am blessed with my own wife who, bless her heart, has been good and strong, and amazingly loving, without any limitations. I see it today in my own daughters, who have carried that same torch of greatness and goodness, and taken it to a level above and beyond imagination, with their own families.

So, to the women out there, I personally thank you for everything that you do and that you’ve done for us in the world.

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