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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 207 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever thought of the word fanatic? A fanatic seems to be someone who is the extreme, either way too far to the right or way too far to the left. When a person drives and they see someone in front of them, they always think that they drive too slow, and yet when they look back in their rearview mirror, they think that the person behind them drives too fast. So, basically, the one in front of me slows me down, but the one behind me actually is too close to me. We call them both fanatics.

We always think we are in the center. We’re not the one driving too fast or the one driving too slow, and so it is with most issues in life and most circumstances. If someone is way too far out, we call them fanatics. They are too religious or they’re too liberal, or too frivolous, they’re too frugal, they’re too conscientious, they’re too much of this or too much of that.

The truth is, life is about being in the center; having a life of normalcy and a life of consistency. It’s the ability to be right in the middle. Not too far to the right and not too far to the left. For instance, when it comes to eating, you should eat a good portion. How often? Well, you should have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you go too much above that, you will regret it. Same thing when it comes to driving: not too fast, not too slow, just the required speed. The reason why these signs on the road show us numbers is because they have tested it, and scientists and all of these years and years of experience have shown the government that there is a number which is reasonable.

So it is with everything in life, certain things that we have to pay attention to, always being in the center. You cannot be overly jealous or overly cordial. You can never be overly begrudging or overly giving. There is a midline and that midline is a healthy life. Now, you might say, “How do I know the midline?” Well, look around the different people and see who lives a life of balanced values. They may be balanced in some values as opposed to others. Look around and learn from them. Pick and choose across the way, whether it is drinking, laughing, walking, working, earning, all these issues in life, you should be in the middle. That’s the healthy way.

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