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Hear the Voice Within

Reading Time: 4 minutes

192 dailywisdom youtube

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 192 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

How many times has it occurred, that you are facing a situation, a challenge, or just a question in your life and you’re not sure what to do?

I’ll tell you a secret… You have within yourself a voice. It’s a voice of reason, a voice of goodness, this mindful voice can always guide you properly.

What you need to do is hear the voice. Hear the voice because it is within you and it is always there and ready to help you. At times, we may want to do things that are either forbidden, inappropriate, or for whatever reason not right.

If that’s the case, how do you know? This voice within you is always right and it knows what to do.

Now, you may say “I’ve made many mistakes and I’ve never heard the voice.”

Then if this is the case, and this is where you are today, then you need to speak to someone who can help you find that voice again. Perhaps read the right book, attend a good class, or let someone help you find that voice.

Once you hear that voice again and you can reach it, it will speak very highly of you. It will help you find the right way, make the right decisions. It will always be there with you.

The voice within is yours. It’s been given as a gift by the Creator. It’s always there to always make the right decisions. Listen to the voice within and have yourself a unique and beautiful life.

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