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How long do you think the medical integration trend will last?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Medical integration is here to stay. Indeed, as the years of technology and with the advancement of the internet with revolutionary new all of the “newly” people in general have gotten accustomed to “instant gratification”.

It will last until the middle of the next administration comes on board, since President Clinton will not attempt at this point to change the system because it is his last term.  If there are to be any changes at all, it will not be until in the middle of the next administration.  At the same time, the changes that will occur will not affect the MDP’s negatively.  By that time, I believe that the clinics that were properly converted into multi-disciplinary clinics will be well set and will still be in business.  Those, that were not put together properly and that made mistakes, will probably not last.  Others will be able to compete in any market, managed or capitated.


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