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I Lost a Friend

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 220 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Today was a regular day for me. I woke up and did the things I was supposed to do, and on my way to work I received a phone call. A friend of mine passed away. So, today is not a regular day any more.

I lost a friend today. What happens when a friend passes away? Life moves on. The departed one goes on to a different life, a life of eternity and goodness, where things are different than on Earth. Now we don’t exactly know what they do, and where they go, and what’s going to happen, because no-one has been there and come back to tell us. We do know, however, that what we’re left with here is right here on Earth.

So, what did the friend leave? This friend of mine left goodness, memories, and a legacy. Great things that we shared together. This is a lesson for every one of us: Don’t wait until the day comes when a friend passes away. Don’t wait for anything, until that time when that person moves on to another world. Use the good times that you have today.

Love the ones that you are with. Cherish the moments. Take pictures, create a journal, write a story, share the best of the times with them. Let them know how much you care, how much you love them. Let them know that everything that you do together will leave an imprint on your mind, on your heart. You will be able to use this forever.

When that friend does pass away, you will have all of this left. But don’t wait. Don’t wait until it’s too late and you will regret. That is not good. Do it now with all the friends, and all the people that you love. Because you deserve to have good memories forever. And this is the way to live a good life on this Earth, every day.

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