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Learn From Others

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 528 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

People often ask the questions, how can I grow? How can I learn? How can I “make my mind bigger” than it is now? Where could I acquire more knowledge?

One of the ways where you can acquire knowledge is learning from others. You can gain so much knowledge from other people’s examples and experiences. You can learn from their successes and also from their failures. The Bible says that all people have something to teach. The question is, what can you learn from them? People can be either examples or warnings. You have to be careful about that. An example is something that you have seen being done by someone else which was done for the enhancement of the world, something which was necessary to make the world a better place than it is now. A warning is something that you should stay away from. Something which was not beneficial, either to the person or to anyone around there; so be careful with warnings and examples. Always be wary of things which are done too fast or that benefit only one person.

Often, this isn’t something that would be recommended for you to follow. That’s what learning is all about. Learning is about growth, understanding, sharing knowledge, and the ability to acquire this knowledge to become a better person. From there, you yourself now can share it with others.

I remember my dear father when he was alive, there were many stories that he told me on a regular basis. He would sit down next to me and say, “Let me tell you a story which I think might help you.” I realized after each story told, that the message typically had something to do with a part of me that needed to be improved. At first, I didn’t realize that, but as I grew up. I realized that each and every story he told me was related to a character trait which had to be enhanced or corrected, and from this, I learned many things.

That’s what I wish for you, the ability to learn from others. Now, of course, you should also become a teacher to everyone else around you; perhaps your siblings, maybe your children or spouse, partner, even people that work with you, or people you are somewhat connected to. The idea is to become a light to others. To become the person that you can be with the strength, knowledge, and abilities that you were given. On this, you have to work hard and become better than you were before. Don’t limit yourself, don’t think of yourself negatively. Know that you have been given this knowledge in order to share it with others. Use it in good health and use it at all times because that is part of your purpose on Earth.

How do we know that? Very simple. No talent was given to anyone just to be wasted. It is given for a specific purpose and it’s up to you to use it.

Therefore, that’s what life is all about, becoming a better person and learning from others, from their good part as examples and letting the negative go because those were warnings for you to see, and avoid at any given time. And I wish the best in everything that you do.

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