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Let Go Of It

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 158 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Many people, including myself, have questions at times about life and what it brings and what it’s supposed to be. We often also ask the question, “If there is a Creator of the world, where is He? What does He do? How come I can’t see His face? And if so, why can’t He speak with me?”

The truth is, no one has seen, per se, G-d and lived, at least not that we know of. Because to see what is above and beyond is then no longer human; it is divine. There are things we see in life by looking directly at them and there are things we see with our eyes closed; we imagine them. We see them because we can feel them. There are things that we hold onto by grasping them and there are things that we hold onto by letting go. That’s just how things are in the world. It’s just a perception.

Creative people know that when they let go, that is when the creative aspect, the creativity in their mind starts flowing. An artist knows that. When they try to control it or force it, it doesn’t come. The channels of creativity are blocked because creativity to emerge, requires letting go. The same thing is about the true essence of G-dliness or the Supreme Being, or even things we don’t understand. Once you stop looking, that’s when you find it. When you stop searching and asking, that’s when the answers are given. So, don’t get yourself so bogged down on questions and details, and answers.

Live through life with a good attitude. Let yourself be moved by the good things. See yourself as you are and admit who you truly are, and live a good life of goodness, of sharing. Know that everything you do, has an effect on the world and be careful not to make it difficult, complicated, or somewhat dangerous for anyone. You do represent yourself and the world but at the same time, you have the ability to change things around you and around the world.

Know that everything that you do, everything that you have, was given to you for a purpose. The purpose to make this place a better place for G-dliness and goodness, and divinity to exist. Whether or not you believe in G-d has nothing to do with it; it has to do with the world itself, and if you just let go, you’ll get everything that you want and everything that you need.

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