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Lift Me Up

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197 dailywisdom youtube

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 197 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you see me at times doing things which are improper, lift me up. Such a beautiful concept. If you hear things that I say which are incorrect or harmful lift me up. If there is something that I have done to you or someone you know which was not right, lift me up. Lift me up on top of the world, and show me, help me, guide me. When you lift up others, you rise.

Here is the key; by lifting someone else up you, are changing the world. What good is it to bring them down? Admonish them? Tell them how terrible they are? What does it accomplish?

It may make you feel better for a while, but what good did it do? Destroy the other person? It is not necessary.

If there is something that you see, that you think needs correcting, lift me up. Help me see it in a different light.

Lift me up above the clouds and show me the color of the infinite sky. Lift me up above and beyond so I can believe you, so I can also change. I am as good as you are. I know for a fact that I am also good for certain things, even though I may have made a mistake. But rather than admonishing me, why don’t you lift me up? Help me see myself better than I am. In this way, I can change.

Lift someone else up and both will benefit. With that, the whole world would be better.

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